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Body Sculpting

My Story

As a certified Body Sculpting specialist, my goal is to not only remove fat and get you slim, but to aid in creating a healthier lifestyle for not only women but men too! With my knowledge of the lymphatic drainage system I use techniques that help trim down fat by utilizing non-invasive treatments that will produce painless results that you see immediately. I’m passionate about encouraging people to remain knowledgeable about healthy ways to reach their goals. Having the ability, through body sculpting, to give people the confidence they’ve always desired is what keeps me inspired.

Montana Smith

Certified Body Sculpting Specialist

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The Melter

A non invasive fat reduction ultrasound cavitation treatment used to target specific body areas with stubborn fat. The process heats and vibrates the layer of fat cells causing it to liquify and release through the lymphatic system



4 sessions


6 sessions


10 sessions


Keep It Tight

A non surgical skin tightening technique which uses radiofrequency energy to heat the tissue and stimulate collagen production. This reduces the appearance of fine lines and loose skin



4 sessions


6 sessions


10 sessions


The Treatment

A combination of ultrasound cavitation, radio frequency skin tightening, wood therapy, and lipo laser



4 sessions


6 sessions


10 sessions


Brazilian Butt Lift

A non invasive massaging enhancement technique that lifts, tones, increasis buttox projection and hip dips through suction cups



4 sessions


6 sessions


10 sessions


Wood Therapy

A technique that uses a sequence of repetitive movements using wood instruments. The instruments target areas of fat and stimulates the lymphatic drainage system to rid stored toxins



Lipo Laser

A procedure that omits low level of laser energy through treatment pads which triggers a chemical signal in the fat cells to break down the stored fat



**All series packages are non-transferrable/ non-refundable** 

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